
Hello friends! I am a lifestyle photographer based in Colorado and specialize in infant and family photography. I've always had a sweet little place in my heart for the wee ones, so documenting their precious first days of life is one of my favorite things to do! Those squishy, kissable cheeks, y'all! I can hardly handle it.

A few facts about me:
- I am married to one stud of a husband who makes me laugh constantly and brings joy to everyone he's around! I'm one lucky lady! 
- I have an addiction to potato chips and LaCroix. Be still my heart :).
- My favorite nights are those spent cuddled up on the couch with my man, watching a movie, eating buttered popcorn, and drinking red wine.
- Along with photography, I am a full-time nanny for two precious babes! 
- And, I love the Lord deeply. 
(Those are probably the most important things you need to know!)

I'm going to be so real here, y'all! I have always loved taking pictures, but have never truly had the confidence in myself to start anything. One of my favorite speakers and authors, Jen Hatmaker, says, "Sister, come near and listen: You are smart and capable, strong and wise. You are an overcomer, a prized member of the body of Christ. You have so much to offer. You can do small work. You can do big work. You are so able in Jesus, so beloved, so permitted." So that, my friends, is why I'm here. Mostly because of Jesus' grace, but also because of Jen's encouragement in my fears ;). So, let's overcome fears, be bold, and capture life's sweetest moments!

I look forward to meeting each of you!